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How to set Set up Google Analytics 4 events with Tag Manager?

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12 Jun, 2024

How to set Set up Google Analytics 4 events with Tag Manager?

Setting up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) events with Google Tag Manager (GTM) involves several steps. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the process:

  • Prerequisites
  • Google Tag Manager Account: Make sure you have a GTM account and container set up for your website.

  • Google Analytics 4 Property: Ensure you have a GA4 property created.

  • Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: Set Up Google Analytics 4 in Google Tag Manager

  • Create a GA4 Configuration Tag:

  • Go to your GTM account.

  • Click on Tags in the left-hand menu.

  • Click New and name your tag (e.g., GA4 Configuration).

  • Click on Tag Configuration and select Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration.

  • Enter your Measurement ID from your GA4 property (found in GA4 under Admin > Data Streams > Web > Measurement ID).

  • Configure any additional settings if needed (e.g., sending user ID).

  • Set the trigger to All Pages to fire the tag on every page.

  • Click Save.
  • Step 2: Create a New GA4 Event Tag
  • Create a New Tag:
  • In GTM, click on Tags.
  • Click New and name your tag (e.g., GA4 Event - Button Click).
  • Click on Tag Configuration and select Google Analytics: GA4 Event.
  • Configure the Event Tag:
  • Select your previously created GA4 Configuration Tag from the dropdown.
  • Enter the Event Name (e.g., button_click).
  • Under Event Parameters, you can add parameters that provide more information about the event. Click Add Row to add a parameter.
  • Example: Parameter Name: button_text, Value: {{Click Text}} (You can use GTM variables here).
  • Click Triggering and choose an appropriate trigger for the event (e.g., a button click trigger).

    • Step 4: Preview and Test

    • Preview Your Changes:

    • Click the Preview button in GTM to enter preview mode.

    • Enter the URL of your website to start the preview mode.

    • Interact with your website to test if the event fires correctly.

    • Check the Tags Fired section to see if your GA4 event tag fired as expected.

    • Verify in GA4 DebugView:

    • In GA4, go to the DebugView (found under Configure > DebugView) to see real-time event tracking.

    • Ensure your custom events appear as expected.

      • Create a Trigger:

      • Go to Triggers in GTM.

      • Click New and name it Submit Button Click.

      • Click Trigger Configuration and select Click—All Elements.

      • Configure the trigger:

      • Choose Some Clicks.

      • Set the condition: Click ID equals submit-button.

      • Save the trigger.

      • Step 5: Publish Your Container

      • Submit Changes:

      • Once you have verified that the event is firing correctly, go back to GTM.

      • Click on Submit to publish your container changes.

      • Provide a descriptive version name and notes, then click Publish.

      • Example Event Setup

      • Let's say you want to track clicks on a specific button with the ID submit-button.

      • Create the GA4 Event Tag:

      • Go to Tags.

      • Click New and name it GA4 Event: Submit Button Click.

      • Choose Google Analytics: GA4 Event.

      • Select your GA4 Configuration Tag.

      • Event Name: submit_click.

      • Add parameters if needed.

      • Choose the Submit Button Click trigger.

      • Save the tag.

      • By following these steps, you can set up and track custom events in Google Analytics 4 using Google Tag Manager.
  • Step 3: Set Up Triggers

  • Create a Trigger:

  • Go to Triggers in GTM.

  • Click New and name your trigger (e.g., Button Click).

  • Click on Trigger Configuration and select Click—All Elements or Click—Just Links, depending on your needs.

  • Configure the trigger to fire based on your criteria (e.g., clicks on a specific button with a certain class or ID).

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